Hoadley Bible

The New Testament, Edinburgh, Printed by Alexander Kincaid
His Majefty's Printer, MDCCLXIX (1769).

This Bible is in fair-poor condition. The original title page
is missing, so the above information is from the New Testament
title page. There are pages missing and many separated and
laid back in. There are hatch marks on the respective title pages,
indicating the number of times read, I imagine. I count 16 on the
Apocrypha title page.

Internet sources put this family in Connecticut. Jude Hoadley
was a sergeant in the Revolutionary War.

There is some ambiguity on the death dates -- whether they
refer to the person above or below the date. Please check the
scans and draw your own conclusions.

Transcribed by and in the possession of Tracy St. Claire,


-----------------TRANSCRIPT STARTS-----------------

[Page One -- Scribbling on Dedication Page]

Nelsson Tyler

[Page Two -- Blank Page Between Psalms and Apocrypha]

Sarah Hoadley's Bible
Price L1 S4

Sarah Hoadley her Book
God give her grace therein to Look
When God her call this book to leave
Then give her grace with him to live

Sarah Hoadley Died July 29th 1798 At 90years & 6 months

This Bible given to Jude Hoadley at the death of his mother
Sarah Hoadley

[Page Three -- Reverse of Page Two]

Jude Hoadley Born February 20th 1743
Naomi Tinker Born July 13th 1750
Joined in bans of matrimony Jany 26th 1769

Elizabeth Hoadley Born Decr 12th and died the 13th 1770

Benjamin Hoadley Born April 25th 1771

Asa Hoadley Born Decr 30th 1773 & Died Sept. 30th 1805

Elizabeth Hoadley Born Sept. 10th 1776 Died May 26th 1853

Jude Hoadley died May 7th 1811 in the 67th year of his age

Naomi Hoadley died August the 11th 1815 in the 65 year of her age
this book given to Elizabeth Tyler at the Death of her mother

Naomi Tyler born January the 19th 1794 died Sept 7th 1839

Rufus Tyler born August the 4th 1796

Edward Simmons born June the 1799 Died April 7th 1869

Parthena born November the 6th 1801

Lucy born February 19th 1804 died Sept 4 1858

Eunice Elizabeth born June 16th 1807

Lucius Shanda [??] born January the 19th 1811

Nelson born March the 7th

Philofs born nov the 8th 1813

[Page Four -- Inserted slip of paper, top torn]

This -- -- --
possession on the death of
Nancy E. Dorsett, oldest
daughter of Naomi Tyler Hoadley
Sep 12th 1893

Ellen E. Northop youngest
and only surviving daughter of
Naomi Tyler + Reuben Hoadley

---------------END TRANSCRIPT----------------