Newman Bible

This Bible record was published in Fragmenta Genealogica, Frederick
Arthur Crisp, Volume 7, privately printed, 1902, p. 64.


Below this line, verbatim from source, with some minor formatting.


Newman Family.

The 4th of march 1662 my wife mary departed this liufe boinge aged 45 yeares: and marryed to
my selfe 23 years and 8 monthes.

The 30th of maije 1664 I was married to Susan my wife.

The 3d of septtemb 1665 my sone Thomas died being the time of the great plauge in and About London.

This Book I giue to Tho: Newman My sone after my Decess. The Lord giue him a hart to make it
profitable to him.

The 15th of march 1639 my daughter Marry was borne.

The 25th of January 1641 my Sonne Edward was Borne.

The 13th of October 1648 my Sonne Thomas was Borne.

Ye 13th of August 1652 my daughter paycienc was Borne.

Ye first of Septtember 1665 my Sonne Thomas ye younger was Borne at 4 of ye Clock in the
Afternoone bein Friday being in the mides of ye Great plauge.`

This Book I give to my Sonne Thomas whoe was Borne in the yeare 1665 aboue writen.

The 2d of Septtember 1666 in the morning being Sabath day begaine that great and terable
judgment by fire in the Citie of London to the great amasment of the beholders which
continued tell wensday night following.

Martha Richards was born november the 24 day At 5 In the eavin 1721.

Susanner Bishup Born July ye 30 att 6 In the morning 1742.

From a Bible "Imprinted at London by the Deputies of Christopher Barker, Printer
to the Queenes most Excellent Majestie, 1599. -- F.A.C.