John Horace Ordway Bible

This Bible was submitted by Ed and Barbara (Blaisdell) Perreault. It is in their possession, inherited by them after Barbara's mother died. It came down through her "Blaisdell" line.


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[Page One --Marriage]

This is to certify that James Horace Ordway and Ellen Susan Roby were united by me
in Holy Matrimony at Newburyport,Mass. on the first of December in the year of our Lord 1887,
signed Rev.Daniel T.Fiske.

[Page Two -- Births]

James Horace Ordway - May23rd, 1856
Ellen Susan Roby March 29th,1858
Charles William Ordway March 24th,1879
Hattie May Ordway June 28th,1880
Bertha Alice Ordway August 15th,1883
Ethel Laura Ordway July 20th,1887

[Page Three -- Marriages]

James Horace Ordway and Ellen Susan Roby
Dec. 1st 1877

James Horace Ordway and Georgie Anna Perry
June 17th 1890

[Page Four -- Deaths]

Charles William Ordway April 18th,1879
Ellen Susan Ordway June 10th,1889