Sidney Bible

A Complete Analysis of the Holy Bible: or How to
Comprehend Holy Writ...Containing the Old and New
Testaments, by Rev. Nathaniel West, D.D., New York,
A.J. Johnson, 1869.

The Bible itself is in very good condition, page gilding
all prsent but some wear and cracks on the binding and spine.

The cover is inscribed Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Sidney.

The 1880 Census places this household in Otsego County,
NY. Sidney, Charlotte, Adelbert and Mary Alice were
all living in the household at the time.

Mary Alice apparently died in childbirth on her first wedding
anniversary, according to these records. Quite sad.

Transcribed by and in the possession of Tracy St. Claire,


-----------------TRANSCRIPT STARTS-----------------

[Page One -- Births]

Adelbert Sidney Born August 1st 1848

Albert Augustus Born Born January 4th 1850

George Sherman Sidney Born August 4th 1855

Mary Alice Sidney Born October 8th 1857

George Wagner Born July 8 1881

Charlotte Foster Born Sept. 21st 1830

Sherman Sidney Born April 13th 1822

[Page Two -- Marriages]

Charlotte Foster and Sherman Sidney was Married
March 23rd 1845

Mary Alice Their Daughter and Frederick Wagner
was Married July 8th 1880

George Their Son Married November 10th 1881

[Page Three -- Deaths]

Albert Augustus Sidney Died September 12th 1851

Mary Alice Sidney Died July 8th 1881

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