Thurston Bible Pages

These pages were donated by Cheryl Needle of Pepperell, Massachusetts.

These pages were pulled from a family Bible, so I cannot determine the
publication date with certainty. They look to be late-19th century. The
handwriting and pen change between 1869 and 1871 -- all entries before
that date look to be written at one time, presumable after 1869. The entries
after 1871 are in various pens and writing.

According to the 1893 Thurston Genealogies by Brown Thurston, Orlin
settled in Humboldt Kansas and became a Colonel of a Kansas regiment
during the civil war.

Transcribed by and in the possession of Tracy St. Claire,


-----------------TRANSCRIPT STARTS-----------------

[Page One -- Marriages]

Johnson Thurston
Julia Everett Married February 22d 1824

Elihu Thurston
Martha Congal Married June 20th 1849

Eunice H. Thurston
Albert Webester Married Apl 1st 1846

Orlin Thurston
Mary R. Weaver Married June 23r 1858

Susan E. Thurston
Cary Cooper Married February 27th 1866

Lucy Thurston
Edwin B. Robbins Married January 12th 1869

[Page Two -- Births]

Johnson Thurston October 20th 1803
Julia Everett July 15th 1803

Elihu J. Thurston December 4th 1824
Eunice Thurston June 30th 1826
Eunice H. Thurston April 1st 1828
Lucy Thurston February 1st 1830
Orlin Thurston March 12th 1834
Lucy Thurston October 17th 1841
Susan E. Thurston Sept 13th 1843

[Page Three -- Deaths]

Eunice Thurston September 10th 1827
Lucy Thurston October 16th 1832
Johnson Thurston December 7th 1858
Orlin Thurston December 22nd 1883

Julia Everitt Thurston thursday at 1P.M. March 29th 1888 in
Columbus, O. at 66 Lexington Avenue

Elihu Thurston died at his farm near Kalida Putnam Co. Ohio
Monday at one oclock PM June 1st 1891

Edwin Buckingham Robbins died on March seventh 1901 at
1 P.M. in his room at 66 Lexington Ave. Columbus Ohio
sitting in his chair of cardiac astina of the heart caused by

fatty infiltration

[Page Four -- Memoranda]

Edwin T. Robbins born Feb. 17th 1871 at Quincy St Brooklyn
New York

George A. Robbins born Jan. 4th 1878 at 4 P.M. Washington
Ave. Columbus Ohio

Edwin Buckingham Robbins Born in Wandville [blank] Co

Ills March 1st 1835

Lucy Thurston Robbins born in Hilliar township Knox Co
Ohio Oct. 17th 1841

---------------END TRANSCRIPT----------------