The New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ,
New York,
American Bible Society, 1850. This is taken from the NT Title page,
the Title page of the whole volume is missing.

This is one of the more expensive, better quality ABS
versions. It is
in very good condition, with the binding near-perfect (gilded with the
names of S.M. and M.A. Whiteford on it) and the pages themselves
in great shape. Unfortunately, the front flyleaves through Genesis XXIV
are torn, missing or really mutilated. The volume does not look to
have been used much.
A receipt and a church bookmark mention Baltimore, and
the marriage record
mentions Harford Co., Maryland.
The "Slate Ridge Presbyterian Church" is in
Harford County, Maryland,
right on the Mason-Dixon line.
There is some interesting ephemera in this volume, including
a torn
bookmark from a church, some obituaries, a handwritten poem, a piece
of fabric and a very old tract on Heaven from the American Tract Society.
There are also many remanents of flowers from over the years.

I wonder if Samuel and Mary Ann had children who are just
not mentioned
here. Mary Ann's own death is also absent from record. Although the
cover is engraved with Samuel & Mary Ann's initials (purchased while
was alive), it appears to only contain the record of Samuel and Sarah's
See especially the obituary of Miss M. Rebecca Whiteford -- she is mentioned
as being the "youngest daughter of Samuel M. Whiteford" with
her surviving
siblings being James R. Whiteford, H. Clay Whiteford, and Mrs. William
Wilson. None of those people are mentioned in this Bible, and none of
in this Bible are mentioned as siblings. Curious. Maybe there is another
Samuel M. Whiteford they were related to?
Transcribed by and in the possession of Tracy St. Claire,
-----------------TRANSCRIPT STARTS-----------------
[Page One -- Marriages]
Samuel H. Whiteford and Sarah J. Heaps was joined in the
Bonds of Matrimony 14th of December 1865
--On Tuesday the 22d inst. by the Rev. Mr. Parke, Mr. SAMUEL
WHITEFORD, of Harford county Md., to Miss MARY ANN eldest
daughter of James Ramsey, Esq. of York Co.
[Page Two -- Births]

Robert Morgan Whiteford son of Samuel & Sarah Jane
was born on the second of August 1867
Archabald Wilson Whiteford was [?] Born March 8th 1870
Nelson Wallace Whiteford was Born on October 20th 1873
Elmer Martin Whiteford was Born May 2th 1876
[Page Three -- Deaths]

Archabald Wilson Whiteford son of Sal. M. Whiteford and
Sah. J. Whiteford. Departed this life the 29th day of Febuary
[Poem -- Letter? From Friend]

Friendship's jewels
shall glisten forever.
"If ever a husband you should have
And he this (b---) should see
Tell him of your youthful days
And kiss him once for me."
With my best sincere
and kindest wishes for a
bright and happy future
Your loving & true friend
Flowers of friendship never fade.

Miss M. Rebecca Whiteford died on Sunday morning at the residence of
her brother, Mr. H. Clay Whiteford, near Susquahanna Hall after a lingering
illness. She was fifty-five years old. The funeral took place on Tuesday,
the interment being at Slate Ridge Presbyterian Church, of which the
deceased had been a life-long and consistent member. Rev. A. Lewis
Hyde officiated, being assisted by Revs. Mr. Parker, J.D. Smith, Thomas
M. Crawford anf K.J. Stewart. The pall bearers were Hon. W. M. Whiteford,
Samuel Wilson, Marshall Whiteford, Bertram Whiteford, William Whiteford,
and William Morgan Whiteford, nephews of the deceased. Miss Whiteford,
who was the youngest daughter of the late Samuel M. Whiteford, was a
very estimable lady, and will be sadly missed by her large circle of friends.
Mrs. William H. Wilson is her only surviving sister, her brothers being
James R. and H. Clay Whiteford, of Harford county, and Samuel J.
Whiteford, of York county.
Miss M. Rebecca Whiteford
Died the home of her brother, H. Clay Whiteford, last Sunday morning.
22, aged 57 years. The funeral and interment were at Slate Ridge on Tuesday,
services conducted by Revs. A. Lewis Hyde. T.M. Crawford. DD, K.J.
Stewart. J.D. Smith and A.G. Parker. The pallbearers were six of her nephews:
William M., S. Marshall, Morgan, Bertram and Will Whiteford and Samuel
Wilson. Stubbs and Norris funeral directors.
The deceased was a widely known and most highly esteemed
lady, her kindly
manner, and willing assistance among the sick, were special characteristics.
She had been in delicate health for several months, but the immediate
of death was heart trouble. She was a daughter of the late Samuel M. Whiteford
and is survived by three brothers, James R., H. Clay and Samuel J. Whiteford,
and one sister, Mrs. Wm. H. Wilson.
Death of a Promising Young Man.
--Mr. Thomas H. Streett, aged 19 years, died at his home near Pylesville,
Sunday morning, June 21st, of typhoid fever, after an illness of about
four weeks.
He was the son of the late Thomas H. Streett, who died in February last,
and was a young man of unexceptionable moral character, of great industry
energy and gave promise of being a useful and honored citizen. He was
beloved in the neighborhood by young and old. He was a communicant of
Cross P.E. Church, near the Rocks, and a teacher in the Sunday School.
He was buried in the cemetery at Holy Cross Church, on Tuesday. The funeral
was largely attended, the line of carriages in the procession being at
least a
mile in length. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. M.C. Stryker.
pall bearers were William Whiteford, Marshall Whiteford, Clarence Ramsay,
Merryman Gladden, John Roberts and William Devoe. The funeral was an
affecting one and the sad and solemn services brought tears to many eyes.
A choir sang touching music in the church and at the grave.
---------------END TRANSCRIPT----------------